

Our organization is based around leadership development. We are a multi-issue organization that engages the voices of everyone in the Somali community.

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Our mission is to educate Somali individuals and other interested persons regarding civic engagement,
voting rights and responsibilities and participation in democracy.

Our Histroy

Civicark Education Fund has been expanding through the region, building power of the people through community organizing, civic engagement, leadership development, democratic participation, holding public officials accountable and staying proactively engaged.

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Civicark and its partners invest heavily in building the public voice of the Somalis in their new home; expanding social and racial justice through an intentional grass roots Community organizing and public process in relationship to the dominant culture, so that changes in systems could be achievable.
Shifting leadership landscape in engagement of Minnesota Somali-American community members in policy and decision-making processes in their local communities.
The United States has been and is the loved destination for immigrants fleeing the civil wars that are devastated their home countries, hunger and oppression by brutal dictators, like Somalia.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What We Do: In pursuit of a world free of discrimination, the Racial Justice Program brings impact lawsuits in state and federal courts throughout the country.